Hey guys. Josh Kent with US Arms Here to bring you another video on one of our patented technologies called Cam-Lock. We’ve got a couple of videos and comments from people asking questions about cam lock. Some people think that it’s kind of novelty item, or I guess maybe the juice is not worth the squeeze.
So today we want to talk about Cam-Lock, the reason we invented it, and how it makes the AR 15 platform a more accurate platform across the board. So here we’ve got our stripped, anodized upper and low receivers with a camlock. And our patented cam-lock system here with cam-lock screw and brass bushing.
So we’ve already went ahead and assembled the Cam-lock lever and the cam-lock button for you. So the thing that makes Cam-lock special is that with your standard AR 15 receivers, we have roughly eight thousandths of play between the upper and low receivers, between the pivot and the takedown pin.
Okay. With the centers being six inch, 250,000 center to center from the pivot to the takedown pin. If we equate 8,000 worth of play between those two surfaces, we’re looking at about 3.8 minutes of angle of movement between the upper and lower receivers that are built in just by the error or the play in between those two receivers.
So we thought. You know, if we were to apply this to a bolt action setting, we would say, hey, if we wanted to make a bolt gun more accurate, the first thing that we would do would be to bed the rifle. So we took a look at the surfaces here and we said, how could we bed or mechanically bed this upper and lower receiver together?
So when we machine these in-house, this, this flat surface and radius here, Are flat and the bottom of this upper receiver is flat till we reach the radius. And so we said, well, we can take this and go contrary to what is on the market, which is a wedge, or we have those push spindles that come up here through the grip with the delran tip that would engage the base of this takedown pin, TransUnion right there.
And we said, well, what if we can pull this receiver down and lock those two metal surfaces, those metal bearing surfaces together. And that’s where Cam-lock was born. So when you take a look at Cam-lock, a lot of people would say, oh, well it’s a wedge and it does this and it’s not, it’s not really worth it.
What we’ve essentially done is that off of the pivot pin, once you lock this take down pen in place, there’s several thousandths worth of play. Here is going to be in the Cam-lock block where it grabs the takedown pin. And if you see, I’m able to move this block around quite a bit. Alright? And in doing so, that allows this camming system to pull this block down into the rear, and we set that tension by the cam-lock screw in bushing here at the base of the receiver.
So each receiver being a little bit different and we wanted Cam-lock to work across the board, whether you had a DPMS or a Cobalt or an L WRC or whatever you wanted to run for an upper receiver, that our lower end cam-lock system would fit it and work just fine. So if I’m going to break this down to you and show you as we take a look at the cam-lock, which is really the magic of it all and our cam-lock.
We have this flat surface. I’m gonna turn it towards you. Here. We have this flat surface, so the receiver would be facing in this orientation here. Okay? And this would be in the down position as, as it’s oriented to you. When this is in the down position or release, this cam-lock screw is sitting on that flat surface right there.
So it’s allowing this screw to protrude. As high as it could possibly go, which allows the block to come up and out, which allows us to take the take down pen out and we can disassemble our weapon system. However, once we cam the lever in the up position, okay, and I cam this up this way. All right, the screw now, which is engaged, the cam-lock block has to jump over this.
And it pulls this screw with the bearing surface between the cam and the brass washer. It pulls that screw down into the rear. So by setting the tension for this screw, we can now operate and pull mechanically this cam-lock block down into the rear, okay? Which in essence brings the two bearing surfaces of the receivers down together, and it bites them hard between those two bearings.
So now we have a bedding, essentially a mechanical bedding job between the pivot and the takedown pin born between the two receivers as they made up. So we don’t just have a single wedge here under the takedown trunnion, or a push pin under the takedown trunnion, which makes it kind of sit up and teeter back and forth.
Okay? We have more bearing surface between the entirety of the whole receiver. Put between the lower and the upper receivers. So we’ve essentially taken the eight thousandths play, which is between the two receivers and taken it out completely. And you guys will see that when you get your hands on a US Arms Cam-lock receiver, you’ll see the difference between the old DPMS, the Bush Masters, even some of your higher end, your Daniel Defense.
They’ll have play in them and they’re designed that way. So it makes it easy to take down. And that’s another thing that we kind of looked at. We said, well, we have to allow a little bit of play In there. So when we unlock the receiver, alright, we can disassemble the weapon system. So cam-lock is one and of its own unique and it takes all of the machining tolerances out.
So that play that you got between or that you were used to seeing between your upper and lower receiver is out of the way now due to the patented design of cam-lock. So we are. And it does actually tighten your groups up. So, of the testing that we’ve done between cam-lock and and non, we have seen a minimum of 40% increase in accuracy from a cam-lock to a non-cam lock.
So our base testing would be a end user’s rifle, whether it be DPMS, whether it be Daniel Defense or across the board. We would take that rifle, we would shoot it with a given lot of ammunition, the same shooter, the same distance, same target, and we would change the lower receiver with the same trigger from just take the upper receiver off and put it on a cam-lock lower receiver.
And what we saw in every instance was a minimum of a 40% increase in accuracy. So Cam-lock does work and it’s not a wedge. It’s not. It’s, it’s not a push pin or something that comes up from the hand guard. So it’s, it’s unique by itself. It’s a mechanical design designed to bring the upper and the lower receiver together, wedging the flat surfaces as in giving you the largest bearing surface on the market between your upper and lower receiver.
So again, we thank you guys for tuning back in with us. We always love having you, and we’ll see you again.